Optimization of Pin Arrangement on the Roll Surface of a Roll Crusher Based on Finite Element Analysis
投稿时间:2025-01-09  修订日期:2025-02-05
中文关键词: 辊压机,辊面,柱钉,优化
英文关键词: high  pressure grinding  rolls, roll  surface, column  nails, optimization
潘胡江 安徽海螺川崎装备制造有限公司 241070
吴德进* 安徽海螺川崎装备制造有限公司 241070
摘要点击次数: 29
全文下载次数: 0
      In order to solve the problems of roller surface peeling off or column pin breaking off that often occur in the engineering application of roller press, this paper conducts force analysis and finite element analysis on the roller surface of the roller press, obtains the stress distribution cloud map and deformation distribution cloud map of the roller surface, and conducts a comparative analysis of the arrangement method of the cuboidal column pin with reference to the engineering process requirements. The results show that when the edge length of the column pin is 12mm, the axial direction is 25/27, the circumferential number is 200, the depth is 40mm and 50mm, the column pins are staggered and protrude 3mm from the roller surface, the maximum stress and maximum deformation of the roller surface are reduced compared with the case of the edge length of 14mm, and the scheme is optimal.
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