武艳文,张成伟,吴 涛,刘 韬,施兴国,敬仕洪,李晓峰.典型水泥企业固定排放源流量 在线监测技术的比对研究*[J].水泥工程,2025,38(1):77-82
典型水泥企业固定排放源流量 在线监测技术的比对研究*
Comparative study on online monitoring technology for fixed emission source flow in typical cement enterprises
中文关键词: 碳排放权  超声波流量计  S型皮托管流量计  相对偏差
英文关键词: carbon emission rights  ultrasonic flowmeter  S-type Pitot Tube flowmeter  relative deviation
武艳文 中材国际智能科技有限公司 
张成伟 中材国际智能科技有限公司 
吴 涛 中材国际智能科技有限公司 
刘 韬 天山材料股份有限公司 
施兴国 天山材料股份有限公司 
敬仕洪 常山南方水泥有限公司 
李晓峰 常山南方水泥有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 8
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      This article proposes a comparative experimental plan of S-type pitot tube and ultrasonic flowmeter in two pilot production lines of cement clinker with the same production scale. It compared the flow rate monitoring data of monaural ultrasound and S-type pitot tube flowmeter on the 1# pilot production line,and analyzed the relative deviation and relevance of data measured by two techniques;It compared the flow rate monitoring data of multi-channel ultrasound, monaural ultrasound, and S-type pitot tube flowmeter on the 2# pilot production line,it analyzed the relative deviation and relevance of data measured by three techniques,using the manual monitoring method of three-dimensional pitot tube, the accuracy and precision of the data measured by monaural ultrasound and S-type pitot tube flowmeter on the 1# pilot production line were evaluated,the accuracy and precision of the data measured by the dual channel ultrasound, single channel ultrasound, and S-type pitot tube flowmeter on the 2# pilot production line were also valuated. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of ultrasonic and S-type pitot tube flow meters were analyzed.
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