吴 涛,李晓峰,敬仕洪,武艳文,钟 根,张成伟,卓海龙.水泥行业碳排放在线监测系统的研究*[J].水泥工程,2025,38(1):61-66
Research on the online monitoring system for carbon emissions in the cement industry
中文关键词: 碳排放  CO2在线监测CEMS  手工参比法  相对偏差  核算法
英文关键词: carbon emission  CO2 online monitoring CEMS  manual reference method  relative deviation  accounting method
吴 涛 中材国际智能科技有限公司 
李晓峰 常山南方水泥有限公司 
敬仕洪 常山南方水泥有限公司 
武艳文 中材国际智能科技有限公司 
钟 根 中材国际智能科技有限公司 
张成伟 中材国际智能科技有限公司 
卓海龙 中材国际智能科技有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 11
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      The improvement of carbon emission monitoring and measurement technology in cement plants is an important guarantee for the quality of data in the carbon trading market,it is also the key to the steady operation of the carbon trading market.This article introduced the design scheme of the CO2 online monitoring pilot project of Changshan Nanfang Cement Co., Ltd. It Introduced the use of manual reference method to compare the flue gas flow rate, CO2 concentration, humidity, temperature, and oxygen concentration measured by CO2 CEMS,and analyzed the relative deviation.And the flue gas flow rate measured by CO2 online monitoring CEMS was compared with the flow rate measured by the original environmental CEMS of the production line,and analyzed the relationship between changes in parameters such as CO2 concentration, oxygen concentration, humidity, and flow rate during production changes and start stop grinding.Finally, monthly analysis of CO2 online monitoring data was conducted and compared with accounting method data.
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