郭昆仑,杨必朋,杨清平,靳华东,彭忠耀,郏梦子.4 800 t/d熟料生产线预热预分解系统节能降耗改造实践[J].水泥工程,2025,38(1):38-40
4 800 t/d熟料生产线预热预分解系统节能降耗改造实践
Practice of energy-saving and consumption reducing transformation of preheating and pre decomposition system in 4 800 t/d clinker production line
中文关键词: 预热器  分解炉  粉尘浓度  能耗指标
英文关键词: preheater  precalciner  dust concentration  energy consumption indicators
郭昆仑 葛洲坝荆门水泥有限公司 
杨必朋 葛洲坝荆门水泥有限公司 
杨清平 葛洲坝荆门水泥有限公司 
靳华东 葛洲坝荆门水泥有限公司 
彭忠耀 葛洲坝荆门水泥有限公司 
郏梦子 中国中材国际工程股份有限公司(南京) 
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      针对某公司4 800 t/d生产线预热器系统运行阻力大、C1出口粉尘浓度极高、分解炉系统CO高、系统运行不稳定等问题,进行预热器降阻、分解炉扩容、涡流室改造等系列改造,改造后,熟料日产量增加340 t/d,C1出口粉尘浓度(标况下)由120 g/m³下降至63.7 g/m³,C1出口负压降低至4 500 Pa左右,熟料标煤耗下降4.9 kg/t,熟料单位产品能耗指标达到能耗标杆水平,改造效果显著。
      In response to the high operating resistance of the preheater system, extremely high dust concentration at the C1 outlet, high CO content in the decomposition furnace system, and unstable system operation in a company's 4 800 t/d production line, a series of modifications were carried out, including preheater resistance reduction, decomposition furnace expansion, and vortex chamber renovation. After the renovation, the daily output of clinker increased by 340 t/d, the dust concentration at the C1 outlet (under standard conditions) decreased from 120 g/m³ to 63.7 g/m³, the negative pressure at the C1 outlet decreased to around 4 500 Pa, and the standard coal consumption of clinker decreased by 4.9 kg/t. The energy consumption index of clinker per unit product reached the energy consumption benchmark level, and the renovation effect was significant.
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