周凤娇,张 宾,谭新宇,王奕杰,陶从喜,邓 恺.利用花岗岩尾矿制备固碳加气混凝土的研究[J].水泥工程,2025,38(1):14-18
Research on the preparation of carbon fixed aerated concrete using granite tailings
中文关键词: 尾矿  固碳加气混凝土  碳化养护  固碳
英文关键词: tailings  carbon fixation aerated concrete  carbonization curing  carbon fixation
周凤娇 华润水泥技术研发有限公司 
张 宾 华润水泥技术研发有限公司 
谭新宇 华润水泥技术研发有限公司 
王奕杰 华润水泥技术研发有限公司 
陶从喜 华润水泥技术研发(广西)有限公司 
邓 恺 华润水泥技术研发有限公司 
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      加气混凝土具有质轻、保温性能高、防火性能好、隔音效果好等优良性能,是使用最广泛的轻质墙体材料之一。固废资源化利用一直是建材行业研究的热点,采用花岗岩尾矿作为原材料用于制备加气混凝土,重点探究了尾矿细度、掺量、水固比、外加剂等对加气混凝土抗压强度和固碳量的影响。结果表明,采用工业废弃物花岗岩尾矿可用于制备固碳型加气混凝土,尾矿掺量低于40%时,可用于制备A3.5 B06级加气混凝土。此外,水料比、尾矿和减水剂掺量对于加气混凝土抗压强度具有较大的影响,当尾矿掺量为40%、水胶比为0.29、减水剂掺量0.72%,尾矿基固碳加气混凝土干密度645 kg/m3,抗压强度4.30MPa;尾矿掺量对加气混凝土固碳量影响较大,尾矿掺量从30%增大至70%,固碳量从10.43%降低至7.93%。
      Aerated concrete is one of the most widely used lightweight wall materials with excellent properties such as light weight, high insulation performance, good fire performance and good sound insulation effect. The use of granite tailings as raw materials for the preparation of aerated concrete, focusing on the influence of tailings fineness, content, water-solid ratio and admixture on compressive strength and carbon fixation of aerated concrete. The results show that the use of industrial waste granite tailings can be used to prepare carbon fixation type aerated concrete, and when the tailings content is less than 40%, it can be used to prepare A3.5B06 grade aerated concrete. In addition, the water-material ratio, tailings and water-reducing agent content have a great impact on the compressive strength of aerated concrete. When the tailings content is 40%, the water-binder ratio is 0.29, and the water-reducing agent content is 0.72%, the dry density of carbon reinforced aerated concrete based on tailings is 645 kg/m3, and the compressive strength is 4.3 MPa. The content of tailings has a great influence on the carbon fixation of aerated concrete. The content of tailings increases from 30% to 70%, and the carbon fixation decreases from 10.43% to 7.93%.
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