徐双影,高 敏,董 贝.全固废免烧制砖的原料配比研究及应用[J].水泥工程,2024,37(5):81-85
Research and application of raw material ratio for all solid waste non burning brick making
中文关键词: 全固废,生态砖,建筑垃圾,钢渣,免烧制砖
英文关键词: all solid waste,ecological bricks,construction waste,unburned brick
徐双影 成都建筑材料工业设计研究院有限公司 
高 敏 成都建筑材料工业设计研究院有限公司 
董 贝 成都建筑材料工业设计研究院有限公司 
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      Construction waste, as the largest and most concentrated solid waste in China's urban areas, requires reasonable and effective treatment, which is an important part of urban sustainable development. This article starts from the raw material ratio and uses construction waste, steel slag, and cementitious materials as the main raw materials to study the variation laws of product compressive strength and appearance indicators with different ratios. The optimal raw material ratio was determined through experimental results and successfully applied in industrial production. By analyzing and evaluating the environmental and economic benefits of actual operational projects, compared to traditional methods of producing standard bricks, the raw material cost of the solid waste ecological brick discussed in this article has been reduced by about 65.6%, and the carbon emissions during the production process have been reduced by about 93.3%.
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