杨 飞,刘云鹏.Φ4.3 m×62 m回转窑筒体开裂分析与更换实践[J].水泥工程,2024,37(5):67-69
Φ4.3 m×62 m回转窑筒体开裂分析与更换实践
Analysis and replacement practice of cracking on the cylinder body of a rotary kiln with a diameter of Φ4.3 m ×62 m
中文关键词: 筒体,焊缝开裂,筒体更换,顶窑,切割,焊接
英文关键词: cylinder,weld cracking, cylinder replacement,top kiln  cutting,welding
杨 飞 华润水泥(鹤庆)有限公司 
刘云鹏 华润水泥(鹤庆)有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 4
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      某2 500 t/d在水泥生产线回转窑生产过程中出现筒体开裂,筒体开裂后及时止料降低窑速至0.4 r/min并逐步降温运行,现场组织实施防止裂纹持续扩大措施,同时展开筒体修复方案的讨论,并对筒体开裂原因进行分析,最终形成更换筒体的方案,在2023年7月26日开始实施更换筒体方案,2023年8月6日完成施工,8月10日投料生产。目前回转窑筒体运行稳定,达到预期效果。
      During the production process of a 2 500 t/d rotary kiln in a cement production line, a cylinder cracking occurred. After the cylinder cracked, the material was stopped in a timely manner and the kiln speed was reduced to 0.4 r/min, gradually cooling down and running. Measures to prevent the crack from continuing to expand were organized and implemented on site. At the same time, discussions were conducted on the cylinder repair plan, and the reasons for the cylinder cracking were analyzed. Finally, a plan to replace the cylinder was decided. The cylinder replacement plan was implemented on July 26, 2023, and construction was completed on August 6, 2023. Production was started on August 10. At present, the operation of the rotary kiln barrel is stable and has achieved the expected results.
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