周 磊.6 000 t/d水泥生产线生料终粉磨系统工艺设计[J].水泥工程,2024,37(5):29-31
6 000 t/d水泥生产线生料终粉磨系统工艺设计
Introduction to process design of raw material final grinding system for 6 000 t/d cement production line
中文关键词: 生料终粉磨,工艺流程,设备配置,工艺适应性
英文关键词: raw material final grinding, technological process,Equipment configuration, Process adaptability
周 磊 合肥水泥研究设计院有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 4
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      合肥南方水泥6 000 t/d水泥生产线含12 MW余热发电系统,工程于2022年投料生产。文章详细介绍了该生产线在辊压机选型与配置,废气通道设计配置以及选粉系统配置等方面的设计特点,半年多的连续生产考核表明,该系统生料终粉磨系统运行平稳,产量、电耗等工艺指标稳定,生料自脱硫率可达50%~80%, SP锅炉与窑、磨系统同步运转率90%以上,未发生因生产工况严重波动而停机的现象。
      The 6000 t/d cement production line of Hefei Southern Cement includes a 12 MW waste heat power generation system, which have been put into operation in 2022. The article provides a detailed introduction to the design characteristics of the production line in terms of roller press selection and configuration, exhaust gas channel design and configuration, and powder selection system configuration. More than half a year of continuous production assessment shows that the raw material final grinding system of the system runs smoothly, with stable process indicators such as output and power consumption. The raw material self desulfurization rate can reach 50%~80%, and the synchronous operation rate of the SP boiler, kiln, and grinding system is over 90%. There has been no shutdown due to severe fluctuations in production conditions.
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