Further discussion on cement strength
中文关键词: 水泥强度,守恒,内能,活度
英文关键词: cement strength,conservation,internal energy,activity
封培然 兰州瑞峰混凝土有限公司 
宋利丽 兰州瑞峰混凝土有限公司 
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      It is still very important to discuss the limit of cement strength, which related to the compressive strength and durability of cement at different ages. Through analyzing of material performance parameters from micro to macro, a new strength prediction model is tried to establish, which expected to use dynamic data to analyze the development law of cement's own strength. The research results showed that there is a limit to the strength per unit volume of cement, which is related to the activity of cement itself. The strength of cement varies at different times, but its energy is conserved. Excessive pursuit of cement early strength was at the expense of the later growth rate, which is a challenge to the durability of cement. Even two types of cement with the same strength are not guaranteed to have the same safety later. The strength of cement is the work done by its internal energy to the environment, and other cementing materials have similar conclusions with cement.
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