吴安冉,杨莉荣,高诗莹,刘 珊,向丛阳,孙 辉,吴 威.降铬剂在水泥生产中的应用[J].水泥工程,2024,37(4):42-43
The application of chromium reducing agents in cement production
中文关键词: 降铬剂,水泥,六价铬,作用时效
英文关键词: Chromium reducing agent,cement,hexavalent chromium,time of action
吴安冉 中国葛洲坝集团水泥有限公司 
杨莉荣 中国葛洲坝集团水泥有限公司 
高诗莹 中国葛洲坝集团水泥有限公司 
刘 珊 中国葛洲坝集团水泥有限公司 
向丛阳 中国葛洲坝集团水泥有限公司 
孙 辉 中技国际工程有限公司 
吴 威 中技国际工程有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 155
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      为控制出厂水泥六价铬含量,采取使用降铬剂的措施。通过小磨试验,探究不同厂家、不同掺量降铬剂对水泥中六价铬含量、物理性能的影响,确定降铬剂的合适掺量为0.10%;同时对放置0 d、15 d、40 d、90 d和93 d的小磨试样中六价铬含量检测,探究降铬剂的作用时效,最终确定降铬剂的有效期在90天内,为生产提供了试验依据。将降铬剂用于水泥生产中,明显提高了水泥质量,并有效节约了生产成本。
      In order to control the hexavalent chromium content in factory cement, measures have been taken to use chromium reducing agents. By conducting a small mill test, this study investigates the effects of different manufacturers and dosages of chromium reducing agents on the content and physical properties of hexavalent chromium in cement. The appropriate dosage of chromium reducing agents is determined to be 0.10%; At the same time, the content of hexavalent chromium in small ground samples placed for 0 d, 15 d, 40 d, 90 d, and 93 d was tested to explore the effectiveness of the chromium reducing agent, and the validity period of the chromium reducing agent was ultimately determined to be within 90 d, providing experimental basis for production. The use of chromium reducing agents in cement production significantly improves cement quality and effectively saves production costs.
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