冯 欢,王 放.水泥厂大型平板竖向网架结构设计分析*[J].水泥工程,2024,37(3):86-89
Design and analysis of a large plate vertical grid structure
中文关键词: 平板网架,竖向网架,3D3S软件,刚度,用钢量
英文关键词: flat grid,vertical grid, 3D3S software, stiffness, steel consumption
冯 欢 中建材(合肥)钢构科技有限公司 
王 放 中建材(合肥)钢构科技有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 23
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      本文基于某大型高度近40 m的螺栓球网架工程,建立双排支座竖向网架结构、单排支座竖向网架结构和传统墙壁体系平板网架三种网架结构方案,采用3D3S软件进行线弹性和满应力分析,并对比三种方案的自振周期、结构位移以及用钢量。对比分析结果表明:三种方案的结构自振周期相差较小,但双排支座竖向网架结构的整体刚度更优于其他两种方案;双排支座的竖向网架结构相对于单排支座竖向网架结构和传统墙壁体系的平板网架结构稳定性更好、侧向位移更小,而且用钢量也是最低。验证了竖向网架结构在高净空、大跨度、大柱距厂房中应用具有明显的优势。
      This article is based on a large bolted ball grid project with a height of nearly 40 m, and establishes three grid structure schemes: double row support vertical grid structure, single row support vertical grid structure, and traditional wall system flat grid structure. Linear elasticity and full stress analysis were conducted using 3D3S software, and the natural vibration period, structural displacement, and steel consumption of the three schemes are compared. The comparative analysis results show that the natural vibration periods of the three schemes are not significantly different, but the overall stiffness of the double row support vertical grid structure is better than the other two schemes; The vertical grid structure with double row supports has better stability, smaller lateral displacement, and the lowest steel consumption compared to the vertical grid structure with single row supports and the flat grid structure with traditional wall systems. Verified that the vertical grid structure has obvious advantages in the application of high clearance, large span, and large column spacing factories.
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