Application of the full process thermal efficiency model in reducing the heat consumption of cement clinker burning
中文关键词: 热效率,全流程,热耗,水泥
英文关键词: thermal efficiency,full process,heat consumption,cement
戴晓庆 西安建筑科技大学材料科学与工程学院 
姚艳飞 西安建筑科技大学材料科学与工程学院 
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      论文提出以包含生料磨、煤磨、水泥熟料烧成系统及余热锅炉在内的水泥熟料烧成全流程为研究对象,建立了水泥熟料烧成全流程热效率模型,并用于指导水泥生产线的能效优化改造。根据热效率模型,分解煅烧单元的热效率对全流程热效率的影响最大,应在能效优化时重点考虑。以2 500 t/d生产线为例,将原有预热分解系统替换为高固气比预热分解系统后,分解煅烧单元的热效率由27.09%提高至30.08%,全流程热效率由68.23%提高至76.50%,熟料烧成热耗降低了544.67 kJ/kg,烧成标煤耗降低了18.6 kg/t,应用效果较好。
      Thermal efficiency model for the entire process of cement clinker burning is established in this paper. Its research object include raw material mill, coal mill, cement clinker burning system and waste heat boiler. According to the thermal efficiency model, the thermal efficiency of the decomposition and calcination unit has the greatest impact on the thermal efficiency of the entire process, and should be given priority consideration in energy efficiency optimization. Taking the 2 500 t/d production line as an example, after replacing the original preheating and decomposition system with the high solid-gas ratio preheating and decomposition system, the thermal efficiency of the decomposition and calcination unit was increased from 27.09% to 30.08%, and the thermal efficiency of the entire process was increased from 68.23% to 76.50%. The heat consumption of clinker burning was reduced by 544.67 kJ/kg, and the consumption of standard coal burning was reduced by 18.6 kg/t.
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