景世青,王 云,覃宝发.浅谈机制砂石骨料生产线破碎设备选型[J].水泥工程,2024,37(2):46-51
Discussion on the selection of crushing equipment for mechanized sand and stone aggregate production line
中文关键词: 矿石特性,破碎方法,磨蚀性,设备选型
英文关键词: minera charateristics, crushing method,abrasiveness, equipment selection
景世青 华润建材科技控股有限公司 
王 云 华润建材科技控股有限公司 
覃宝发 华润建材科技控股有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 143
全文下载次数: 0
      Guided by the new development concept, the sand and gravel industry, as an indispensable part of national infrastructure construction, is entering a new stage of high-quality development from incremental expansion to stock improvement and efficiency enhancement under the influence of policy factors in industrial regulation and market factors in demand changes. For sand and gravel production enterprises, paying attention to market demand, strengthening product quality management and sustainable development, promoting the maximization of resource value development and utilization, will help enterprises seize competitive opportunities, seize market share in the new development stage, and achieve good economic and social benefits. The author takes the selection of crushing equipment for the already put into operation aggregate mechanism sand production line as an example to analyze the optimal crushing selection scheme for different ore production mechanism sand and stone aggregate products for reference .
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