Production practice of improving clinker strength in our factory
中文关键词: 熟料,强度,生料细度,煤粉电耗
英文关键词: clinker, strength, raw material fineness, coal powder electricity consumption
王发均 攀枝花瑞达水泥有限公司 
吴君山 四川省星船城水泥股份有限公司 
梁晓春 攀枝花瑞达水泥有限公司 
王良勇 攀枝花瑞达水泥有限公司 
郑祥旺 攀枝花瑞达水泥有限公司 
韩显平 四川省星船城水泥股份有限公司 
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      我厂拥有一条2 500 t/d新型干法熟料生产线,与同行业先进水平相比熟料强度偏低,造成水泥料耗高、生产成本上升、质量风险高等一系列问题。分析原因,采取了优化配料,严控生料细度,提高入窑煤粉质量,优化篦冷机冷却风机等措施。结果表明:熟料强度得到提高且更加稳定,在保证水泥强度不降低前提下,各品种水泥中熟料掺量明显下降。同时水泥磨台时产量小幅度提升,水泥粉磨电耗明显下降。同时,水泥磨产量提高2.79 t/h,水泥粉磨电耗降低1.64 kWh/t。每年可降低水泥生产成本350万元以上,经济效益客观。
      Our factory has a 2 500 t/d new dry process clinker production line. Compared with the advanced level in the same industry, the clinker strength is relatively low, causing a series of problems such as high cement consumption, increased production costs, and high quality risks. Analyze the reasons, take measures such as optimizing the ingredients, strictly controlling the fineness of raw materials, improving the quality of coal powder entering the kiln, and optimizing the cooling fan of the grate cooler. The results show that the strength of clinker has been improved and more stable, and the clinker content in various types of cement has significantly decreased while ensuring that the cement strength does not decrease. At the same time, the production of cement grinding machines has slightly increased, and the electricity consumption of cement grinding has significantly decreased. At the same time, the output of cement grinding increased by 2.79 t/h, and the electricity consumption of cement grinding decreased by 1.64 kWh/t. The annual cement production cost can be reduced by more than 3.5 million yuan, with objective economic benefits.
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