Comparison of slope stability analysis based on different methods
中文关键词: 边坡稳定性,赤平投影法,Geostudio,midas GTS NX,边坡监测
英文关键词: Slope stability, stereographic projection method, geostudio,midas gts nx,slope monitoring
吴少龙 安徽海螺建材设计研究院有限责任公司 
魏安邦 安徽海螺建材设计研究院有限责任公司 
闫广柱 安徽海螺建材设计研究院有限责任公司 
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      赤平投影法和数值分析法是目前研究边坡稳定性的常见方法,各有优缺点。本文以英德市长腰山水泥石灰岩矿东侧边坡为例,采用不同方法对边坡稳定性分析开展了研究,研究结果表明:采用赤平投影法对边坡稳定性定性分析,结果显示边坡稳定性较差;采用Geostudio和midas GTS NX数值模拟法,基于Morgenstern-Price法、Bishop法和SRM三种理论对边坡稳定性定量分析,结果显示边坡稳定性较好;基于矿山边坡开采现状及实际地质条件,对边坡监测方案进行了设计,为后期更好地验证分析结果提供参考。
      The stereographic projection method and the numerical analysis method are the common methods to study the slope stability at present, which have their own advantages and disadvantages. In this paper, the east slope of Changyaoshan Cement Limestone Mine in Yingde City is taken as an example, and the slope stability analysis is carried out by different methods. The results show that the slope stability is qualitatively analyzed by the stereographic projection method, and the results show that the slope stability is poor. Geostudio and midas GTS NX numerical simulation method are used to quantitatively analyze the slope stability based on Morgenstern-Price method, Bishop method and SRM theory. The results show that the slope stability is good. Based on the current situation of mine slope mining and actual geological conditions, the slope monitoring scheme is designed to provide a reference for better verification of the analysis results in the later stage.
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