丁 欢.水泥窑协同处置含锑污染土壤的应用与研究[J].水泥工程,2023,36(6):6-8
Application and research on collaborative disposal of antimony contaminated soil by cement kiln
中文关键词: 含锑污染土,水泥窑协同处置,重金属含量,烟气监测
英文关键词: antimony contanminated soil, cement kiln collaborative disposal, heavy metal content, gas monitoring
丁 欢 葛洲坝洁新(武汉)科技有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 188
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      通过制定相关技术方案,按照相关国家标准要求对武汉某含锑污染土壤项目进行协同处置。结果显示熟料中重金属含量及浸出全部低于国家标准限值要求,技术及产品安全性良好;水泥窑烟气监测方面,同时在协同处置期间对窑尾烟气中含重金属、非甲烷总烃、SO2、NOx、颗粒物、氨、HCl、HF、二恶英等指标进行了全面监测,结果显示所有指标均满足相关标准及规范的要求。整个项目总计接收、处置污染土壤9 294.7 t,处置过程中各项指标正常,水泥质量达标。
      According to the requirements of relevant national standards, a project of antimony-contaminated soil in Wuhan was treated in a collaborative manner through the formulation of relevant technical schemes.The results showed that the heavy metal content and leaching of clinker were all lower than the national standard limit, and the technology and product safety were good.In terms of flue gas monitoring of cement kilns, the indicators of heavy metals, total non-methane hydrocarbons, SO2, NOx, particulate matter, ammonia, HCl, HF, dioxins and other indicators in the flue gas of kiln tail were comprehensively monitored during the collaborative disposal period, and the results showed that all indicators met the requirements of relevant standards and specifications.A total of 9 294.7 t of contaminated soil was received and disposed of in the whole project. All indicators were normal in the disposal process and cement quality was up to standard.
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