潘小平,嵇 磊,姚瑞宏,李 奥.生活垃圾中不可燃物对水泥窑协同生产的影响研究[J].水泥工程,2023,36(5):14-16
Research on the influence of non combustible materials in domestic waste on collaborative production of cement kiln
中文关键词: 水泥窑,不可燃物,协同处置
英文关键词: cement kiln, non combustible waste, collaborative disposal
潘小平 宜兴天山水泥有限责任公司 
嵇 磊 中材国际环境工程(北京)有限公司 
姚瑞宏 中材国际环境工程(北京)有限公司 
李 奥 中材国际环境工程(北京)有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 302
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      本实验依托中材某水泥厂5 000 t/d水泥窑协同处置生活垃圾生产线,从原材料分析、生料磨、熟料质量、熟料产量等方面,分别探究了生活垃圾中不可燃物对水泥窑协同生产的影响。研究表明:原料磨协同处置7~10 t/h不可燃物时,由于含水率较高,间接影响熟料的产量下降2.36%。协同处置前后,生料与熟料的化学成分,熟料的抗折强度、抗压强度、凝结时间等物理特性以及矿物成分未见明显变化,且熟料重金属浸出液成分在相关标准限值内。
      The experiment relied on a 5 000 t/d cement kiln collaborative disposal production line of a cement factory in China National Materials Corporation to explore the impact of non combustible substances in domestic waste on the collaborative production of cement kilns from aspects such as raw material analysis, raw material grinding, clinker quality, and clinker output. Research has shown that when raw material mills synergistically dispose of non combustible materials from 7~10 t/h, the high moisture content indirectly affects a 2.36% decrease in clinker production. Before and after collaborative disposal, there were no significant changes in the chemical composition, physical properties such as flexural strength, compressive strength, setting time, and mineral composition of the raw meal and clinker, and the composition of the heavy metal leaching solution of the clinker was within the relevant standard limits.
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