王朝蓬,杨 洋,刘宇鹏,刘 渊,汤升亮.煤矸石制备水泥辅助胶凝材料的应用研究[J].水泥工程,2023,36(5):1-4
Research on the application of coal gangue to prepare cement assisted cementitious materials
中文关键词: 煤矸石,辅助胶凝材料,水泥,活化
英文关键词: coal gangue,supplementary cementitious materials,cement,active
王朝蓬 中国中材国际工程股份有限公司(南京) 
杨 洋 中国中材国际工程股份有限公司(南京) 
刘宇鹏 中国中材国际工程股份有限公司(南京) 
刘 渊 中国中材国际工程股份有限公司(南京) 
汤升亮 中国中材国际工程股份有限公司(南京) 
摘要点击次数: 671671
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      煤矸石制备水泥辅助胶凝材料的应用研究对水泥行业的节能减排与大宗固废的高值利用均具有重要意义。本文以河北某地不同矿区的6种煤矸石为原料,采用XRD,热重等方法分析判断其化学成分和矿物组成,通过静态煅烧实验研究了其煅烧活化条件,并通过胶砂实验测定其胶凝活性。结果表明,煅烧温度和时间会影响产品的胶凝活性,不同矿物组成的样品需要的煅烧条件不同,所测样品其3 d早期强度相较于基准水泥有所下降,但28 d活性指数增长明显,除#4矿区外均达到了制备辅助胶凝材料的要求。
      The application research on the preparation of high-performance active supplementary cementitious materials from coal gangue is of great significance for energy conservation and emission reduction in the cement industry, as well as the high-value utilization of bulk solid waste. This article uses six coal gangue from different mining areas in Hebei province as raw materials, and uses XRD, thermogravimetry, and other methods to determine their chemical and mineral composition. The static calcination experiment is conducted to study their calcination activation conditions, and their cementitious activity is measured through sand experiments. The results show that the calcination temperature and time can affect the gelation activity of the product. Samples with different mineral compositions require different calcination conditions. The measured samples have a decrease in their early strength in 3 d compared to the reference cement, however, the activity of 28 d increased exponential growth significantly, meeting the requirements of preparing auxiliary cementitious materials except #4 mining area.
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