母冬冬,左清文,黄长明,陈 静.浅谈Thermax 30MW燃煤电厂锅炉安装[J].水泥工程,2023,36(2):86-88
浅谈Thermax 30MW燃煤电厂锅炉安装
Discussion on installation of Thermax 30MW coal-fired power plant boiler
中文关键词: 燃煤电厂,锅炉安装,管道安装,管道热处理
英文关键词: coal-fired power plant,boiler installation, pipe installation, pipe thermal treatment
母冬冬 苏州中材建设有限公司 
左清文 苏州中材建设有限公司 
黄长明 苏州中材建设有限公司 
陈 静 苏州中材建设有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 689
全文下载次数: 1
      The supporting coal-fired power plants designed by Indian companies have gradually become a priority choice for cement plant owners in Africa. In the construction of power plants, boiler installation is the core work in the installation and construction of coal-fired power plants, and is also the key to ensuring the installation quality of power plants. This article takes the Thermax 30WM coal-fired boiler in India as the research object, introduces the characteristics and installation requirements of each component of this small boiler, and takes the pipe welding made of P91 material as an example to briefly describe the technical points of pipe installation.
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