胡 涛,王 伟,佘祥忠,付文辉,何峥辉.一种测量回转窑垂直中心线偏差的方法[J].水泥工程,2022,35(5):6-10
A method for measuring the deviation of vertical center line of rotary kiln
中文关键词: 窑中心线,滚动摩擦,数字信号,数学拟合
英文关键词: kiln center line, rolling friction, digital signal,mathematical fitting
胡 涛 安徽芜湖海螺建筑安装工程有限责任公司 
王 伟 安徽芜湖海螺建筑安装工程有限责任公司 
佘祥忠 安徽芜湖海螺建筑安装工程有限责任公司 
付文辉 安徽芜湖海螺建筑安装工程有限责任公司 
何峥辉 安徽芜湖海螺建筑安装工程有限责任公司 
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      The operating environment of rotary kiln is very bad. The continuous operation with high load for a long time and the flying sand in the environment will lead to the deviation of the kiln centerline, which will cause many problems. In this paper, based on the design ideas of domestic peers, some devices have been improved, and the T-type caliper contacted with the tire has been changed into a roller device. The force exerted on the roller is output in the form of digital signal through the pressure sensor. At the same time, the traditional three-point method is combined, and mathematical tools such as differential and least square method are used to fit the measured tire. Through data calculation, the vertical centerline deviation of the rotary kiln is obtained.
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