赵旭红,张广芳,何 晨,方 力.协同处置危废对熟料生产运行 影响数据对比分析研究[J].水泥工程,2022,35(2):20-23
协同处置危废对熟料生产运行 影响数据对比分析研究
Comparative analysis of data on the impact of collaborative disposal of hazardous wastes on clinker production and operation
中文关键词: 水泥窑  危废  协同处置
英文关键词: cement kiln  hazardous waste  co-processing
赵旭红 溧阳中材环保有限公司 
张广芳 临沂国建环境科技有限公司 
何 晨 溧阳中材环保有限公司 
方 力 溧阳中材环保有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 554
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      本文以某水泥窑协同处置危废项目为工程实例,数据分析协同处置危废对熟料台产、标煤耗、吨熟料发电量、游离钙、初凝时间、终凝时间、3 d和28 d抗压强度的影响,通过对其三年的运行数据进行统计,可知危废处置量与标煤耗、初凝时间和终凝时间呈负相关性,危废处置量与熟料台产、熟料发电量、游离钙、3 d和28 d抗压强度没有相关性。
      In this paper, taking a cement kiln co-processing hazardous waste project as an engineering example, the data analyzes the effect of co-processing hazardous waste on clinker production, standard coal consumption, power generation per ton of clinker, free calcium, initial setting time, final setting time, 3d and 28d The impact of compressive strength, through the statistics of its three-year operation data, it can be seen that the amount of hazardous waste disposal is negatively correlated with standard coal consumption, initial setting time and final setting time, there is no correlation between the amount of hazardous waste disposal and the production of clinker, clinker power generation, free calcium, 3d and 28d compressive strength.
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