江晓波,王思明,阮 靖,曾龙骅,华苏东,姚 晓,杨银银.减水剂对磷石膏基胶凝材料性能影响研究[J].水泥工程,2022,35(2):5-9
Study of the effect of water reducing agents on the performance of phosphogypsum-based gelling materials
中文关键词: 磷石膏  胶凝材料  减水剂  力学性能  耐水性
英文关键词: phosphogypsum  cementitious materials  water reducing agents  mechanical properties  water resistance
江晓波 长江南京航道工程局 
王思明 南京工业大学材料科学与工程学院 
阮 靖 长江南京航道工程局 
曾龙骅 上饶中材机械有限公司 
华苏东 南京工业大学材料科学与工程学院 
姚 晓 南京工业大学材料科学与工程学院 
杨银银 南京工业大学材料科学与工程学院 
摘要点击次数: 573
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      磷石膏基胶凝材料在使用时,工作性能较差,需要加入减水剂来改善工作性。而磷石膏胶凝材料对现有的混凝土减水剂的存在适应性不良的问题。为了深入了解减水剂对磷石膏基胶凝材料的匹配性,本文探究了萘系、聚羧酸和脂肪族类三种减水剂及掺量对磷石膏基砂浆材料各项性能的影响规律。通过对砂浆浆体的流动度、硬化体的力学性能,以及28d吸水率和软化系数进行评价,获得最佳的减水剂种类和掺量。研究结果表明:萘系减水剂与磷石膏基砂浆的适应性较好,且掺量为0.4%时较合适;砂浆流动度为17.0 cm,砂浆硬化体的7 d、28 d和90 d抗压强度分别为18.1 MPa、33.1 MPa和37.6 MPa,28 d吸水率和软化系数分别为2.51%和0.91。
      Phosphogypsum cementitious material has poor adaptability to existing concrete water reducing agent. In order to improve the compatibility of water reducers with phosphogypsum-based cementitious materials, this paper explored the influence of naphthalene series, polycarboxylic acid and aliphatic water reducers and their dosages on the properties of phosphogypsum-based mortar materials. By evaluating the fluidity of mortar paste, mechanical properties of hardened paste, 28 d water absorption and softening coefficient, the best type and dosage of water reducing agent were obtained. The results show that the adaptability of naphthalene water reducing agent and phosphogypsum-based mortar is good, and the dosage is 0.4 %. The fluidity of mortar is 17.0 cm. The 7 d, 28 d and 90 d compressive strength of mortar hardened body are 18.1 MPa, 33.1 MPa and 37.6 MPa, respectively. The 28 d water absorption and softening coefficient are 2.51 % and 0.91, respectively.
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