夏志伟,陈 俊,熊义俊.机制砂石粉对聚羧酸减水剂性能影响[J].水泥工程,2022,35(1):88-93
The influence of machine-made sand and gravel powder on the performance of polycarboxylate water-reducing agent
中文关键词: 机制砂,石粉,混凝土,聚羧酸外加剂
英文关键词: machine-made sand,stone powder, concrete, polycarboxylic acid admixture
夏志伟 中国葛洲坝集团水泥有限公司 
陈 俊 中国葛洲坝集团水泥有限公司 
熊义俊 中国葛洲坝集团水泥有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 700
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      The influence of the lithology, content and fineness of machine-made sand and gravel powder on the saturated yield, slump retention performance and air-entraining performance of water-reducing agent is studied. The test results show that the saturation point of basalt is the highest, the fluidity loss of the mortar is greater, the gas retention performance is poor, and it has the greatest impact on the workability of mortar and concrete; the increase in the content of stone powder in the machine-made sand increases the saturation point of the water reducing agent. The sensitivity of the water-reducing agent is enhanced, and the slump retention performance is reduced. Too low or too high stone powder content will affect the air-entraining performance of the water-reducing agent; as the fineness of the stone powder increases, the saturated content of the water-reducing agent first decreases and then increases, The air-entraining performance first increases and then decreases, and the air-retaining performance gradually becomes better. When the fineness is less than or equal to 700 mesh, the water-reducing agent slump retention performance changes little, the fineness continues to increase, and the slump retention performance decreases.
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