朱玉林,董哲武,孙 勇,李运军,凌 进,蔡树珍.85 m直径熟料库钢网架屋盖设计与实现[J].水泥工程,2022,35(1):82-84
85 m直径熟料库钢网架屋盖设计与实现
Design and implementation of steel grid roof of 85 m diameter clinker silo
中文关键词: 熟料库钢屋盖,三层网架(壳),优化设计,杆件检测,网架施工
英文关键词: steel roof of clinker silo,three-layer grid (shell),optimization design,member detection,grid construction
朱玉林 安徽中亚钢结构工程有限公司 
董哲武 安徽中亚钢结构工程有限公司 
孙 勇 安徽中亚钢结构工程有限公司 
李运军 安徽中亚钢结构工程有限公司 
凌 进 安徽中亚钢结构工程有限公司 
蔡树珍 安徽中亚钢结构工程有限公司 
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      基于85 m直径熟料库钢屋盖设计和施工,本文阐述了一种大跨度熟料库钢屋盖网架的设计思路,底部数环采用三层网架的型式(加强圈)减小环向杆件的螺栓直径,避免了大直径螺栓难以拧进、焊接球网架动火施工的问题;同时,本文阐述了网架杆件送样检测过程、棱台面网架主要的施工步骤,可供行业同仁参考交流。
      Design and construction of steel roof based on 85 m diameter clinker silo ,this paper expounds the design idea of a large-span clinker silo steel roof grid. The bottom ring adopts the type of three-layer grid (stiffening ring) to reduce the bolt diameter of hoop members, so as to avoid the problems that it is difficult to screw in large-diameter bolts and hot work construction of welded spherical grid. At the same time, this paper expounds the sample sending and testing process and main construction steps of grid members, which can be used as a reference for colleagues in the industry.
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