冯 翔.水泥熟料粒径与性能关系的探讨[J].水泥工程,2022,35(1):29-31
Research on the relationship between cement clinker particle size and performance
中文关键词: 熟料,粒径,性能
英文关键词: clinker, particle size, performance
冯 翔 葛洲坝嘉鱼水泥有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 716
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      文章探讨了水泥熟料粒径与其性能的关系,测定了不同粒径熟料的净浆强度,通过X射线荧光分析仪对不同粒径熟料化学成分进行表征,X射线衍射对不同粒径熟料矿物含量和晶型进行表征,并对不同粒径熟料颗粒进行了岩相分析。从实验数据可以看出,熟料粒径越小,其28 d强度越高。粒径小的熟料碱含量、SO3含量更少,CaO含量更多;同时粒径小的熟料的阿利特,特别是M1型阿利特的含量更高。如果能通过调整,控制熟料粒径在合适的范围,对其使用性能的提升会有很大帮助。
      This article discusses the relationship between the particle size of cement clinker and its properties, and determines the net slurry strength of clinker with different particle sizes. The chemical composition of clinker with different particle sizes is characterized by X-ray fluorescence analyzer. The mineral content and crystal form of the clinker with different diameters were characterized, and the petrographic investigation was carried out on the clinker particles with different diameters. It can be seen from the experimental data that the smaller the particle size of the clinker, the higher its 28 d strength.Clinker with a small particle size contains less alkali content, SO3 and more CaO; at the same time, the clinker with a small particle size contains more Alite, especially M1 type Alite. If it can be adjusted to control the particle size of the clinker in an appropriate range, it will be of great help to the improvement of its performance.
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