刘必成,张 云.回转窑中心线在线监测方法[J].水泥工程,2022,35(1):10-13
On line monitoring method for center line of rotary kiln
中文关键词: 回转窑,中心线,监测,轮带
英文关键词: rotary kiln, centerline, monitor,wheel belt
刘必成 武汉理工大学 
张 云 武汉理工大学 
摘要点击次数: 760
全文下载次数: 0
      The centerline of the rotary kiln changes slowly, and the occurrence of kiln failures is also concealed and uncertain. When the fault is serious, it will affect the normal production of the rotary kiln. Many companies usually find out after the rotary kiln malfunctions.This paper proposes an on-line monitoring method for the center line of the rotary kiln. Based on the detection of the center line of the kiln, this method can realize the online monitoring of the center line of the rotary kiln by monitoring the positions of the three points on the surface of the wheel belt of the rotary kiln. Obtaining the operating status of the center line of the rotary kiln in time is conducive to discovering the early problems of the rotary kiln in time and avoiding the occurrence of large-scale failures.
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