Technical features and engineering applicatExploration and research on Chinese standards going global under the Belt and Road Initiative—a case study of the comparison between Chinese and Laos cement standardsion of the new high energy efficiency and low nitrogen preheating and predecomposition system
中文关键词: 老挝,水泥,中国标准,走出去,一带一路
英文关键词: Laos,cement, Chinese standard,Going Out, The Belt and Road
邱成江 云南省海外投资有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 834
全文下载次数: 1
      为满足以节能高效、绿色低碳为主要特征的研究老挝水泥产品标准,对比中国标准,分析老挝水泥产品标准的特点,为老挝国家标准技术委员会以及我国水泥标准的修订提供依据,以供中国企业能源投资和“一带一路”倡议项目实施提供借鉴,为中国标准技术“走出去”奠定基础。第二代新型干法水泥技术标准的要求,中材国际(南京)自主创新研发了新型高能效低氮预热预分解系统。本文结合吴忠赛马、墨玉尧柏5 000 t/d水泥熟料生产线,详细介绍了新型预热预分解系统的技术特点及运行指标。
      In order to meet the requirements of the technical standards of the second generation of new dry cement, which is characterized by energy saving, high efficiency, green and low carbon, Sinoma(Nanjing) has independently researched and developed a new high energy efficiency and low nitrogen preheating and predecomposition system. In tThrough the research of Laos cement product standards, comparing the Chinese standards, analyzing the characteristics of Laos cement products standards, providing the basis for Laos National Standard Technical Committee and the revision of China's cement standards, so as to provide reference for Chinese enterprises' energy investment and the implementation of the " The Belt and Road " project, laying the foundation for the "going out" of China's standard technology.his paper, the technical characteristics and operation indexes of the new preheating and predecomposing system are introduced in detail with the 5 000 t/d cement clinker production line of Wuzhong and Moyu.
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