余明江,郑志龙,胡梦楠,陈 勇,白 曦,罗 旭.水泥窑协同处置生活垃圾对排放的影响分析[J].水泥工程,2021,34(5):64-66
Analysis on the impact of domestic waste collaborative disposal in cement kiln on emission
中文关键词: 协同处置  生活垃圾  旁路放风  环保排放
英文关键词: collaborative disposal  domestic waste  by-pass  environmental emission
余明江 葛洲坝宜城水泥有限公司 
郑志龙 葛洲坝宜城水泥有限公司 
胡梦楠 葛洲坝宜城水泥有限公司 
陈 勇 葛洲坝宜城水泥有限公司 
白 曦 葛洲坝宜城水泥有限公司 
罗 旭 葛洲坝宜城水泥有限公司 
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      水泥窑协同处置生活垃圾项目运行后,对预分解窑系统环保排放数据产生了明显的影响。我公司投喂可燃物时较停喂可燃物时二氧化硫排放均值上升11.19 mg/m³,且投喂可燃物过程中二氧化硫排放相对停喂时波幅明显变大;氮氧化物排放在投喂可燃物时波幅也明显变大,排放均值未发生明显变化。旁路放风经过优化改造后,二氧化硫排放未发生明显变化,氮氧化物排放有所下降,氨水消耗量明显下降。
      After the operation of the cement kiln collaborative disposal of domestic waste project, it has a significant impact on the environmental emission data of the pre decomposition kiln system. The average sulfur dioxide emission of our company increased by 11.19 mg/m³ when feeding combustibles compared with that when stopping feeding combustibles ³, The amplitude of sulfur dioxide emission in the process of feeding combustibles is significantly larger than that in the case of stopping feeding; The amplitude of NOx emission also increased significantly when feeding combustibles, and the average emission did not change significantly. After optimization and transformation of bypass ventilation, sulfur dioxide emission has not changed significantly, nitrogen oxide emission has decreased, and ammonia consumption has decreased significantly.
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