吕正雄,王福生,兰重喜,赵 军.生料系统电耗下降的分析总结[J].水泥工程,2021,34(3):48-49
Analysis and summary of power consumption reduction in raw meal system
中文关键词: 生料系统,电耗,循环风机
英文关键词: raw meal system,power consumption,circulating fan
吕正雄 葛洲坝老河口水泥有限公司 
王福生 葛洲坝老河口水泥有限公司 
兰重喜 葛洲坝老河口水泥有限公司 
赵 军 葛洲坝老河口水泥有限公司 
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      生料系统用电量在水泥生产环节中占有较高比例,我公司4 800 t/d熟料生产线配置的生料磨型号为LM56.4莱歇立磨,设计能力450 t/h,主机功率4 000 kW。近几年通过采取技改技措手段、工艺参数调整、加强现场管理和小改小革等措施,不断优化生产工艺,达到降低生料系统电耗的效果,为生产系统节能降耗奠定基础,我公司生料系统年平均电耗由2017年的17.45 kWh/t下降至2020年的14.19 kWh/t,其中9月13.32 kWh/t,创造历史新低。
      The electricity consumption of the raw meal system occupies a relatively high proportion in the cement production process. The raw meal mill model of our company's 4 800 t/d clinker production line is LM56.4 Loesche vertical mill with a design capacity of 450 t/h. The main engine power is 4 000 kW. In recent years, through the adoption of technical measures, technological parameter adjustments, strengthening on-site management and small reforms, we have continuously optimized the production process to achieve the effect of reducing the power consumption of the raw meal system and lay the foundation for energy saving and consumption reduction in the production system. The average annual power consumption of our company's raw meal system has dropped from 17.45 kWh/t in 2017 to 14.19 kWh/t in 2020, of which 13.32 kWh/t in September, a record low.
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