蔡 翔,王 明,唐卫华,陶从喜,梁 乾.分解炉燃料分级降低NOx浓度的生产实践[J].水泥工程,2021,34(3):45-47
Production practice of reducing NOx concentration by staged combustion in precalciner
中文关键词: 分级燃烧,NOx排放,SNCR脱硝,分解炉,技改优化
英文关键词: staged combustion, NOx emission, SNCR denitration, precalciner, technical reform and optimization
蔡 翔 华润水泥控股有限公司 
王 明 华润水泥技术研发(广西)有限公司 
唐卫华 华润水泥(武宣)有限公司 
陶从喜 华润水泥技术研发(广西)有限公司 
梁 乾 华润水泥技术研发(广西)有限公司 
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      华润水泥某基地5 000 t/d生产线烧成系统在运行过程中NOx浓度较高,为使烟囱NOx排放满足控制要求, SNCR脱硝系统需长期持续喷入大量氨水,由此不仅吨熟料脱硝成本偏高,亦带来窑尾收尘器及管道等壳体钢板腐蚀严重等问题。笔者结合现场热工测试开展诊断分析,针对性地制定了分解炉燃料分级燃烧方案并于生产线大修期间实施完成,经过一段时间的调试运行,氨水用量大幅降低,对煤耗、产质量均无不良影响,技改优化取得良好的效果。
      The NOx concentration of the sintering system of a 5 000 t/d production line in a base of China Resources Cement Limited is high during operation. In order to make the NOx emission of the chimney meet the control requirements, SNCR denitration system needs to continuously inject a large amount of ammonia water for a long time. As a result, the cost of denitration per ton of clinker is a little high, and the steel plate of the shell such as the dust collector and pipe at the kiln end is seriously corroded. Based on the on-site thermal test, the author carried out the diagnosis and analysis, formulated the fuel staged combustion scheme of calciner, and implemented it during the overhaul of the production line. After a period of debugging and operation, the ammonia consumption was greatly reduced, and there was no adverse effect on coal consumption, production and quality. The technical reform and optimization achieved good results.
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