沈 军.传承历史 担当使命
——纪念改革开放40周年暨中材国际(南京)成立65周年[J].水泥工程,2019,32(1):1-7 |
传承历史 担当使命
——纪念改革开放40周年暨中材国际(南京)成立65周年 |
Inheriting the history, Undertaking the mission, Innovation leads the high-quality development of cement industry |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 改革开放 中国水泥工业史 二代水泥技术 结构调整 智能制造 节能降耗 |
英文关键词: Reform and opening up history of China's cement industry second generation cement technology industrial structure adjustment intelligent manufacturing energy saving and consumption reducing |
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摘要点击次数: 1698 |
全文下载次数: 1 |
中文摘要: |
2018年是改革开放40周年暨中材国际南京成立65周年,得益于改革开放,中材国际南京自成立以来,创新思考和对卓越的不懈追求始终贯穿于整个历史发展之中,与时代共进。作为中国水泥技术创新的引领者和全球领先的水泥工程系统集成服务商,在新技术、新装备、新工艺研发上,形成具有自主知识产权的1 000 t/d~12 000 t/d水泥生产线工艺技术,核心技术指标达到国际先进水平。传承过去,我们心存感激;放眼未来,我们豪情满怀。依托技术优势、人才优势和品牌优势,我们走出去,深耕海外,把主业做大做强;崇尚创新,做百年老店,我们提供比肩世界的新技术、新工艺、新产品、新服务。为建设世界一流企业,推进水泥工业的高质量发展而努力奋斗。 |
英文摘要: |
The year of 2018 is the 40 th anniversary of China’s Reform and Opening up and the 65 th anniversary of the establishment of Sinoma (Nanjing). Owing to the reform and opening up policy, Sinoma (Nanjing) makes unremitting efforts to explore innovations and pursue excellence during its whole history of development, and always keeps pace with the times. As the technology innovation leader of China's cement industry and the global advanced cement engineering system integration service provider, Sinoma (Nanjing) has obtained remarkable achievements in the research and development of new technology, new process and new products, and has developed the series products of new precalciner cement kiln systems with the capacity of 1 000~12 000 t/d. These systems not only acquire independent intellectual property rights, but the core technical indexes reach the international advanced level as well. Inheriting the past, we are full of gratitude and appreciation. Expecting the future, we are filled with pride and enthusiasm. Relying on the advantages of technology, talent and brand, we go abroad and dig deep the overseas markets to make our main business bigger and stronger. Advocating innovation and being a longevous enterprise, we provide world class new technology, new technology, new products and new services. Our mission is to continue striving for the construction of world top enterprise and the high-quality development of cement industry. |
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