Study on the drying shrinkage of alkai-activated phosphorous-green cementing materials
中文关键词: 磷渣  碱激发胶凝材料  干缩性
英文关键词: phosphorous slag  alkali-activated cementing materials  drying-shrinkage
殷志峰 合肥水泥研究设计院有限公司中建材(合肥)粉体科技装备有限公司 
杨南如 南京工业大学材料科学与工程学院 
摘要点击次数: 1279
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      本文主要以工业废渣—磷渣(钢渣作为细集料)为主要原料,通过球磨机将磷渣细磨至一定细度作为胶凝材料原料粉,添加固体或液状化学激发剂而制备出的一类绿色胶凝材料。针对此类胶凝材料干缩率较大的缺点,通过掺加自制的膨胀剂AG、SG、CaO等有效地降低了碱磷渣胶凝材料的干缩性; 另外,随着MgO系膨胀剂掺量的增加,有一定的补偿干缩效果,但其补偿干缩效果相对于钙矾石系的膨胀剂较差; 减缩剂-A对于碱磷渣胶凝材料的干缩有一定的效果,但相对于钙矾石系的膨胀剂产生的补偿效果较差。
      In this paper, phosphorus slag (steel slag as fine aggregate) is used as the main raw material. The phosphorus slag is finely ground to a certain fineness by ball mill as raw material powder of cementing material, and a kind of green cementing material is prepared by adding solid or liquid chemical activator. Aiming at the disadvantage of high drying shrinkage rate of this kind of cementing material, the drying shrinkage of alkali-activated phosphorous slag cementing materials is effectively reduced by adding self-made expansive agent AG, SG, CaO, etc. In addition, with the increase of the content of MgO series expansive agent, MgO series expansive agent has sort of the drying shrinkage compensation effect, but the drying shrinkage compensation effect is worse than that of ettringite series expansive agent. Shrinkage agent-A has a certain effect on drying shrinkage of alkali phosphorus slag cementing materials, but its compensation effect is worse than that of ettringite series expansion agent.
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