王伟智,颜小波,殷祥男,张庆华.水泥放射性核素测量结果分析*[J].水泥工程,2018,31(3):78-80 |
水泥放射性核素测量结果分析* |
Analysis of the results of cement radionuclide measurement |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 水泥 放射性 正态分布 |
英文关键词: cement radionuclide normal distribution |
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摘要点击次数: 1596 |
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中文摘要: |
依据GB 6566—2010《建筑材料放射性核素限量》,采用NaI(TI)闪烁能谱仪测量水泥样品放射性核素含量,建立数理统计模型对测试数据进行分析,得出测试结果服从正态分布。当置信区间取95%时,水泥样品放射性核素镭-226、钍-232、钾-40比活度可分别表示为50.11±2.12Bq/kg、35.31±2.28Bq/kg、310.48±22.54Bq/kg。 |
英文摘要: |
According to the GB 6566 —2010 "The Radionuclide Limit Of Building Materials", the radioactive nuclide content of cement samples was measured by NaI (TI) scintillation spectrometer, and the mathematical statistics model was established to analyze the test data, and the results of the test were subject to normal distribution. When the confidence interval is 95%, the specific activity of radionuclide radium -226, thorium -232 and potassium -40 in cement samples can be expressed as 50.11 + 2.12Bq/kg, 35.31 + 2.28Bq/kg and 310.48 + 22.54Bq/kg respectively. |
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