沈 军.励精图治,全面推进中国制造 向智能制造的升级发展[J].水泥工程,2018,31(2):1-7
励精图治,全面推进中国制造 向智能制造的升级发展
Make every effort to promote the upgrading development of Chinese manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing
中文关键词: 工业4.0  中国制造2025  智能制造  转型升级  智能工厂
英文关键词: Industry 4.0  Made in China 2025  smart manufacturing  transformation and upgrading  smart factory
沈 军 中国中材国际工程股份有限公司(南京) 
摘要点击次数: 1939
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      中国是世界第一制造大国,并在高铁制造、超级计算机、无线通讯、航空航天等重要领域取得重大进展。 总体而言,中国制造总量巨大而质量不高,转型升级面临着巨大困难。据此,中国政府在参照发达国家发展先进制造业经验的基础上,提出中国版的“工业4.0”,即中国制造2025,希望通过发展先进制造业扭转困境,提高中国制造业在国际上的竞争力。本文详细介绍了中国和德国工业4.0的起源和发展战略,提出以智能制造为主攻方向,全面推进制造业转型升级的可行性措施,为实现中国制造向智能制造的转型、升级和发展提供借鉴。
      China is the largest manufacturing country in the world, and has made great progress in such important areas as high-speed train, supercomputers, wireless communication and aerospace. Overall, China's total manufacturing volume is huge and the quality is not high, and the transformation and upgrading face great difficulties. On the basis of the advanced manufacturing experience in developed countries, the Chinese government puts forward the Chinese version of “Industry 4.0”, namely “Made in China 2025”, hoping to reverse the difficulties through the development of advanced manufacturing and improve the international competitiveness of Chinese manufacturing. This paper introduces the origin and development of Sino-German Industry 4.0 in detail, and puts forward the direction of smart manufacturing and feasible measures to promote the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry in a comprehensive way, which can provide a reference for the realization of the transformation, upgrading and development of Chinese manufacturing to smart manufacturing.
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